Values & Objects

Keys in Riak are namespaced into buckets, and their associated values are represented by objects, not to be confused with Python “objects”. A RiakObject is a container for the key, the Vector clock, the value(s) and any metadata associated with the value(s).

Values may also be datatypes, but are not discussed here.


class riak.riak_object.RiakObject(client, bucket, key=None)

The RiakObject holds meta information about a Riak object, plus the object’s data.

Construct a new RiakObject.

  • client (RiakClient) – A RiakClient object.
  • bucket (RiakBucket) – A RiakBucket object.
  • key (string) – An optional key. If not specified, then the key is generated by the server when store() is called.

The key of this object, a string. If not present, the server will generate a key the first time this object is stored.


The bucket to which this object belongs.


The sibling-resolution function for this object. If the resolver is not set, the bucket’s resolver will be used.


The Vector clock for this object.


Whether the object exists. This is only False when there are no siblings (the object was not found), or the solitary sibling is a tombstone.

Vector clock

Vector clocks are Riak’s means of tracking the relationships between writes to a key. It is best practice to fetch the latest version of a key before attempting to modify or overwrite the value; if you do not, you may create Siblings or lose data! The content of a vector clock is essentially opaque to the user.

class riak.riak_object.VClock(value, encoding)

A representation of a vector clock received from Riak.


Fetching, storing, and deleting keys are the bread-and-butter of Riak., dw=None, pw=None, return_body=True, if_none_match=False, timeout=None)

Store the object in Riak. When this operation completes, the object could contain new metadata and possibly new data if Riak contains a newer version of the object according to the object’s vector clock.

  • w (integer) – W-value, wait for this many partitions to respond before returning to client.
  • dw (integer) – DW-value, wait for this many partitions to confirm the write before returning to client.
  • pw (integer) – PW-value, require this many primary partitions to be available before performing the put
  • return_body (bool) – if the newly stored object should be retrieved
  • if_none_match (bool) – Should the object be stored only if there is no key previously defined
  • timeout (int) – a timeout value in milliseconds
Return type:


RiakObject.reload(r=None, pr=None, timeout=None, basic_quorum=None, notfound_ok=None)

Reload the object from Riak. When this operation completes, the object could contain new metadata and a new value, if the object was updated in Riak since it was last retrieved.


Even if the key is not found in Riak, this will return a RiakObject. Check the exists property to see if the key was found.

  • r (integer) – R-Value, wait for this many partitions to respond before returning to client.
  • pr (integer) – PR-value, require this many primary partitions to be available before performing the read that precedes the put
  • timeout (int) – a timeout value in milliseconds
  • basic_quorum (bool) – whether to use the “basic quorum” policy for not-founds
  • notfound_ok (bool) – whether to treat not-found responses as successful
Return type:


RiakObject.delete(r=None, w=None, dw=None, pr=None, pw=None, timeout=None)

Delete this object from Riak.

  • r (integer) – R-value, wait for this many partitions to read object before performing the put
  • w (integer) – W-value, wait for this many partitions to respond before returning to client.
  • dw (integer) – DW-value, wait for this many partitions to confirm the write before returning to client.
  • pr (integer) – PR-value, require this many primary partitions to be available before performing the read that precedes the put
  • pw (integer) – PW-value, require this many primary partitions to be available before performing the put
  • timeout (int) – a timeout value in milliseconds
Return type:


Value and Metadata

Unless you have enabled Siblings via the allow_mult bucket property, you can inspect and manipulate the value and metadata of an object directly using these properties and methods:

The data stored in this object, as Python objects. For the raw data, use the encoded_data property. If unset, accessing this property will result in decoding the encoded_data property into Python values. The decoding is dependent on the content_type property and the bucket’s registered decoders.


The raw data stored in this object, essentially the encoded form of the data property. If unset, accessing this property will result in encoding the data property into a string. The encoding is dependent on the content_type property and the bucket’s registered encoders.


The MIME media type of the encoded data as a string


The character set of the encoded data as a string


The encoding (compression) of the encoded data. Valid values are identity, deflate, gzip


The UNIX timestamp of the modification time of this value.


A unique entity-tag for the value.


Arbitrary user-defined metadata dict, mapping strings to strings.

A set of bucket/key/tag 3-tuples representing links to other keys.


The set of secondary index entries, consisting of index-name/value tuples

RiakObject.add_index(field, value)

Tag this object with the specified field/value pair for indexing.

  • field (string) – The index field.
  • value (string or integer) – The index value.
Return type:


RiakObject.remove_index(field=None, value=None)

Remove the specified field/value pair as an index on this object.

  • field (string) – The index field.
  • value (string or integer) – The index value.
Return type:


RiakObject.set_index(field, value)

Works like add_index(), but ensures that there is only one index on given field. If other found, then removes it first.

  • field (string) – The index field.
  • value (string or integer) – The index value.
Return type:


Add a link to a RiakObject.

  • obj (mixed) – Either a RiakObject or 3 item link tuple consisting of (bucket, key, tag).
  • tag (string) – Optional link tag. Defaults to bucket name. It is ignored if obj is a 3 item link tuple.
Return type:



Because Riak’s consistency model is “eventual” (and not linearizable), there is no way for it to disambiguate writes that happen concurrently. The Vector clock helps establish a “happens after” relationships so that concurrent writes can be detected, but with the exception of Data Types, Riak has no way to determine which write has the correct value.

Instead, when allow_mult is True, Riak keeps all writes that appear to be concurrent. Thus, the contents of a key’s value may, in fact, be multiple values, which are called “siblings”. Siblings are modeled in RiakContent objects, which contain all of the same Value and Metadata methods and attributes as the parent object.

RiakObject.siblings = []

The list of sibling values contained in this object

class riak.content.RiakContent(robject, data=None, encoded_data=None, charset=None, content_type='application/json', content_encoding=None, last_modified=None, etag=None, usermeta=None, links=None, indexes=None, exists=False)

The RiakContent holds the metadata and value of a single sibling within a RiakObject. RiakObjects that have more than one sibling are considered to be in conflict.

You do not typically have to create RiakContent objects yourself, but they will be created for you when fetching objects from Riak.


The Value and Metadata accessors on RiakObject are actually proxied to the first sibling when the object has only one.

Conflicts and Resolvers

When an object is not in conflict, it has only one sibling. When it is in conflict, you will have to resolve the conflict before it can be written again. How you choose to resolve the conflict is up to you, but you can automate the process using a resolver function.


The default conflict-resolution function, which does nothing. To implement a resolver, define a function that sets the siblings property on the passed RiakObject instance to a list containing a single RiakContent object.

Parameters:riak_object (RiakObject) – an object-in-conflict that will be resolved

A conflict-resolution function that resolves by selecting the most recently-modified sibling by timestamp.

Parameters:riak_object (RiakObject) – an object-in-conflict that will be resolved

If you do not supply a resolver function, or your resolver leaves multiple siblings present, accessing the Value and Metadata will result in a ConflictError being raised.

exception riak.ConflictError(message='Object in conflict')

Raised when an operation is attempted on a RiakObject that has more than one sibling.